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When to start

Like language, music has a grammar, which determines its construction. And like language, children find it easiest to learn the basics of music in the preschool years.

A logical approach

My approach is to logically align learning with inherent capacities at each age level, providing a progressive development of knowledge that builds a solid platform of sophisticated musical knowledge. This base also benefits learning in other knowledge areas (below, click to expand image).

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An alternative to traditional approaches

Most traditional music education approaches create a steep learning curve by linking music learning and instrumental technique, and compound this with early 'one-on-one' music lessons and solitary practice. They leave many of the fun and social aspects of music making far too late, discouraging children (see below)

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Learning platforms: the benefits of music education in general learning

'Learning to learn' through music provides a powerful platform for education, not only in other disciplines, but in giving the life skills to support learning in general.

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